Dawn Green
Bee Friendly Gardens
Dawn is a lifelong Michigander. She was raised in the U.P., she left there for college and then for the military. Upon returning to Michigan she opted to live in Oakland County instead of going north. She started her business in 2020 to help families grow their own food. Food gardens used to be an ordinary part of life, it's time to bring that back on whatever scale possible.
Bee Friendly Gardens is about teaching families the benefits of kitchen gardens, including how much better that food tastes, and how easy it is to access it every day. Dawn's favorite part is sharing her passion for gardening with families and neighborhoods, small scale gardens are possible almost anywhere. Showing clients that a small garden can provide their herbs or salad greens, or to grow a tomato (that actually tastes like a tomato), is exciting!
Her business as a garden coach was launched in 2020, her gardening knowledge and experience is from a lifetime of gardening with family, an assortment of classes and courses, along with 20 years as the head gardener at private executive estates in Oakland County.
Married, after a couple of false starts she finally found the right guy. She has two daughters, and three grandchildren. Gardening has always been part of her life, she love's to read, and always has at least one (or three) DIY projects going on around the house.
Dawn's favorite gardening quote is by Gertrude Jekyll "The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies." That is why she started her business.