Kristen DeVooght
Kristen DeVooght is 51 years old, a speech language pathologist (by trade), and a healthy hair, skin, and wellness specialist. She is a wife and mother of 3 sons (Max 23, Sam 20, and Charlie 17). She shifted in regards to her career about 3 years ago and has never felt more confident, joyful, and connected to who she believes she is meant to be.
Kristen's love language is quality time spent together, so she loves spending time with her family and friends doing all sorts of activities (mostly outdoor). She loves hiking, walking, kayaking, biking, eating all sorts of food types, and vacationing. She also loves home decor, flipping houses, and anything to do with fashion.
She absolutely loves her job, the company culture/ mission, and the products. The products are all anti-aging, naturally based, gluten free, cruelty free, and they actually do what they say they will do! Kristen's favorite part is that Monat pushes to lead with love and service. Making each place you go better than when you got there is key. She started the business just to make a little extra income to supplement their retirement fund. Now, it is her passion and she believes it is the best decision she has ever made. If you have struggles related to your skin, hair, or wellness, Kristen would love too help you.